A day in the life of a bride and her wedding planner. It's an everyday occurrence, I know, and so worth it because once she walks down that aisle, it's pure bliss!

I love this picture! This is one of my favorite brides from 2007 and one of her best friends, just after the ceremony when the minister had the bride and groom and their witnesses sign the marriage license. She looks so happy and radiant!
The moments after "I Do" are when most brides finally relax and start to enjoy all the wonderful plans they've spent months organizing and stressing over. It's in these moments that all of the bickering over what colors to use for the ribbons on the invitations or the hurt feelings from your maid of honor over who you should or shouldn't invite to your bachelorette weekend don't really matter, do they?

What matters is the smile you see on her face and what she is about to experience. The wonderful reception they've planned with dancing and great food; hugs and kisses from family and friends; and a lifetime of love from a spouse they adore!
That's what it's ALL about! :)
hmm, this post is dead on for me. they say an event is in the details, but its the details that we get so wrapped up in that get us crazy, stressed, and missing the point. the big picture is what matters - the love and shared moments. the details, yeah they matter to, to an extent. and for someone who gets paid to make them happen, but i hope brides can take a step back and see the bigger picture and sometimes just say, ok, forget that detail, it stresses me too much! rather than feel they have to have every one. know what i mean?
Amen! I wish you well as you plan your wedding! I love your blog, by the way! :)
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